Monday 9 November 2009

Idris Khan

“every…Bernd and Hilla Becher Prison type Gasholders” Idris Khan 2004.

A series of images he made by superimposing Bernd and Hilla Becher’s photographs of industrial buildings, while digitally manipulating them to emphasise certain details or to enhance areas of light and shade. In his own words- 'it’s obviously not about re-photographing the photographs to make exact copies, but to intervene and bring a spectrum of feelings - warmth, humour, anxiety - to what might otherwise be considered cool aloof image. You can see the illusion of my hand in the layering. It looks like a drawing. It’s not systematic or uniform. The opacity of every layer is a different fallible, human decision'

After Eadweard Muybridge ‘Human and Animal Locomotion’ Idris Khan (2005).
The above image is a combination of Muybridge's motion studies into a single image.
In Khan's own words his images are 'a playful emblem of our own departure from the corpse of photography, burdened with what the Futurist Anton Guilio Bragaglia once referred to as its ‘glacial reproduction of reality'.

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